Meet Your Barista// Ally Bishop

Meet Ally, she is energetic, kind, eager to help others, full of joy and kindness. We have absolutely loved getting to know her and are excited to share a bit more about her with you! Where are you from? Mount Pleasant, Michigan What is your favorite Coffee Drink? oh...

Market Bags!!!

We love that every part of the coffee journey is so rich with beauty, design & functionality. From cherry to bean, bean to burlap bag, burlap bag to the roastery… coffee is as much about taste & comfort as it is about art. We love the burlap bags that carry...

Meet Your Barista// Zoe Whitlock

Meet Zoe! Always a big smile, can do attitude and hard worker, we feel so blessed to have Zoe on our team! Enjoy reading a little more about her!What is your name?Zoe WhitlockWhere are you from? I was born in Kona HI and I was raised in Midland MILO- That is so very...

Live Oaks Of Midland// Sarah Schieber

Meet my beautiful, strong, grace-filled friend Sarah. From the time I started capturing people’s stories for the Live Oaks of Midland Series, I knew I wanted to have Sarah share her story. Her bravery, grace under fire, unrelenting faith and ability to remain...